Monday, May 17, 2010

We are still on the Hunt!!!

Today is Day 596 approaching 20 months and we still have heard no news, clues or answers to Michelle's whereabouts or condition. We are disappointed and still sadden but we have hope and faith that one day soon we will be on the other side of this horrific event. I am short on words today but my determination to get answers is strong. I pray all of you keep up the search and continue to share your prayers.
Thank you.


  1. Your positive and faithful attitude about your unfortunate situation is very inspirational to me! I want you to remain strong, and don't let the ignorance of the hateful inconsiderate people get in the way of your mission. May God continue to bless you all with love and support. I pray all turns out well with the return of you daughter and Jayden's mom. God bless you! I watched your story on TV and found this website by the link you place on a blog.

  2. Has anyone checked her friends handwriting against the note she provided that was allegedly written by your daughter? I did see the segment on ID however, it concerns me greatly as Im sure it does you, that no forensics seem to be collected, anywhere. I don't believe it was her. I stayed at that knights in during that time, saw the young lady everyone is claiming to be her, and do NOT agree it was Michelle. I'm not sure your financial position, but, my unsolicited advice is to hire your own detective. Michelle's friend, is responsible for her alleged forgery and her disappearance.Im sure of this.Michelle would NEVER go this long without contacting you and her son. the woman at motel is simply a red herring, another woman running from her own life. Had they bothered to check fingerprints they would have known that. PLEASE hire a detective that is on YOUR side, and I know you'll see for yourself. Her friend wrote that note,the last phone call from the *road* to her, was a set up.

  3. Wasn't she found or recovered already? Is this information from the National Center for Missing Adults incorrect? Their website says ***RECOVERED***.
