Monday, November 8, 2010

We Have not given up!!!

Today is Monday November 8, 2010. We have not heard anything regarding Michelle or her whereabouts.
It's true and it is hard to believe that for over two years we have not heard from Michelle or have received any reports as to her location or siting.
We have not given up nor will we ever give up. We miss our daughter and pray for her safe return.
We thank you for your continued hope and prayers.
One day we will be reunited with Michelle again.


  1. I pray that your daughter is found safe! I just watched the segment on Disappeared and I know that if I'm boggled by all of that information you must be really scrambling for answers at this point. Although some of the things were negative in regards to Michelle, at least her face is on the t.v unlike a lot of others that are missing, this will definitely help! She is beautiful and her son is adorable!

    Lord watch over her and protect her. You all are in my prayers.
    ASheka from virgina Beach

  2. I pray for you, your family and Michelle. I am so sorry for you strife. May God keep you all safe and secure.

  3. I have now seen your daughters story on ID for the 3rd time and can't help but to wonder how things turned out. After watching today I googled her and found this site. Your in my prayers and hope that she will return to you soon. God Bless

  4. First, I am very sorry to hear about this case. I hope that you can all find peace.

    One thing that I do not understand if you do not mind my saying so, is why did Michelle's friend withhold information (the letter)?
    If your "best" friend is missing, and you have her son...why would you not take him to his grandparents the day Michelle was on the road? Why wait? If she is already driving back to school several states away, surely her parents would not go chasing after her on the highway if they were told that she was already headed back. That doesn't make sense.

    Then when you bring her son to the grandparents home, why not give them all the information you have at the time if you are truly concerned that Michelle is missing? Why wait until several days later to reveal a letter? Would it not make sense to give the letter when you suspected something was wrong?

    I do not mean any harm. Believe me I do not. However it seems pretty obvious to me (a person that viewed Michelle's story on a tv program) that this "best friend" had something to do with her disappearance. What happened to "standard protocol" where the police investigate the last known person to see her alive? Would that not be the best friend?

    As for this hotel girl...people look alike. I'm sorry to say it, but it could have very well been a case of mistaken identity. Homeless and displaced people turn up everywhere. An illegal resident that happens to be the same height, weight, and general complexion of Michelle could have very well been working at that hotel.

    Fact: People that run away don't leave money behind.
    Fact: Mothers don't out of the blue up and leave their children. There would have been a random card/postcard or something sent to him by now...even if it didn't have a return address.
    Fact: Nobody running away would up and leave a car. The reports did not say if this car was out of gas or otherwise inoperable. If that car was running, she would have used it to get as far away as possible IF she truly was running away.

    I am hardly an expert. I just know when things do not make sense. A lot of that best friend's actions don't add up, and a lot of this case doesn't add up. I truly believe foul play has taken place here. My prayers are with your family that your questions will all be answered, justice will be handed down, and peace will fall upon you.

    God is a vengeful God. If anyone has harmed Michelle, He will bring the truth to light and vengeance will be His.

    My prayers be with you.
    AJ in Texas
